Quality not commodity

Vanguard is a pioneer of index funds, having developed the first ever index fund for individual investors in 1976. Low-cost and simple by nature, index investing can be the ideal foundation for almost any investment portfolio, helping to achieve broad diversification.

We've built a sustainable, scaled and successful global index offering that is based on an uncompromising commitment to quality. We also recognise that, although it's important, quality isn't just about cost, it's about long-term value.

1. Rather than being publicly traded or owned by a small group of individuals, The Vanguard Group, Inc., in the United States is owned by Vanguard's US-domiciled funds and ETFs. Those funds, in turn, are owned by their investors. This unique mutual structure aligns our interests with those of our investors and drives the culture, philosophy and policies throughout the Vanguard organisation worldwide. In Europe Vanguard leverages the scale, experience and resources of our established global business. Vanguard's ownership structure means that our clients don't have to worry that we'll be acquired. The company they invest with today will continue to serve them in the future.

Why invest in Vanguard index funds?

An enviable cost advantage

The average expense ratio across our index mutual funds globally is 72% less than the industry average2.

Depth and breadth

More than USD 6.9 trillion in assets in equity, bond and balanced index funds globally, as at 31 December 20233.

Nearly 50 years of experience

We launched the first index fund for individual investors in 1976, and we've been perfecting our benchmark selection and tracking skills every day since.

2. Vanguard average ongoing charge figure (OCF): 0.05%. Industry average expense ratio: 0.18%. All averages are for index mutual funds and are asset-weighted. Industry average excludes Vanguard. Sources: Vanguard and Morningstar, as at 31 December 2023.

3. Source: Vanguard. Data as at 31 December 2023.

Transparent, liquid and low-risk replication

With our uncomplicated tracking methodology, we aim to consistently provide some of the tightest tracking in the field of index funds. Matching assets to their corresponding weights in the benchmark offers a purer form of index investing, thereby enhancing tracking, reducing counterparty risk and improving transparency.

Investment stewardship

Investment stewardship is a core capability for Vanguard and we are committed to excellence in this critical function.

We engage with the portfolio companies in our index funds. Our investment stewardship activities are the principal levers by which we keep companies focused on building long-term value for index-fund and ETF investors.

Our low-cost index funds

Equity index funds

Vanguard is a pioneer of index investing, having developed the first ever index fund for individual investors in 1976. Low-cost and simple by nature, index funds can be the ideal foundation for almost any investment portfolio, helping to achieve broad diversification.

Global Stock Index Fund

European Stock Index Fund

See all our equity funds

More about equity at Vanguard

Fixed income index funds

We’ve built a sustainable, scaled and successful global index offering that’s based on an uncompromising commitment to quality, not commodity. We recognise that, for our investors, quality is about long-term value as well as cost.

Global Bond Index Fund

Global Corporate Bond Index Fund

Euro Government Bond Index Fund

See all fixed income index funds

More about fixed income at Vanguard

ESG index funds

By avoiding or reducing exposure to certain business activities while seeking to achieve a market-like return, exclusionary ESG products can meet the investment needs and preferences of a broad subset of ESG-aware investors.

ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Fund

ESG Global Corporate Bond Index Fund

See all ESG index funds

More about ESG at Vanguard

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested

Investment risk information

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.

Some funds invest in emerging markets which can be more volatile than more established markets. As a result the value of your investment may rise or fall.

Investments in smaller companies may be more volatile than investments in well-established blue chip companies.

ETF shares can be bought or sold only through a broker. Investing in ETFs entails stockbroker commission and a bid- offer spread which should be considered fully before investing.

Funds investing in fixed interest securities carry the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment and the level of income may fluctuate. Movements in interest rates are likely to affect the capital value of fixed interest securities. Corporate bonds may provide higher yields but as such may carry greater credit risk increasing the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment. The level of income may fluctuate and movements in interest rates are likely to affect the capital value of bonds.

The Funds may use derivatives in order to reduce risk or cost and/or generate extra income or growth. The use of derivatives could increase or reduce exposure to underlying assets and result in greater fluctuations of the Fund's net asset value. A derivative is a financial contract whose value is based on the value of a financial asset (such as a share, bond, or currency) or a market index.

Some funds invest in securities which are denominated in different currencies. Movements in currency exchange rates can affect the return of investments.

For further information on risks please see the “Risk Factors” section of the prospectus on our website.

Important information

This is a marketing communication.

This is directed at professional investors and should not be distributed to, or relied upon by retail investors.

For further information on the fund's investment policies and risks, please refer to the prospectus of the UCITS and to the KID before making any final investment decisions. The KID for the funds is available in local languages, alongside the prospectus, via this website.

The information contained herein is not to be regarded as an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation is against the law, or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, or if the person making the offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. Potential investors are urged to consult their professional advisers on the implications of making an investment in, holding or disposing of shares and /or units of, and the receipt of distribution from any investment.

Potential investors will not benefit from the protection of the FinSA on assessing appropriateness and suitability.

The Manager of Vanguard Investment Series plc is Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited. Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH is a financial services provider, providing services in the form of purchase and sales according to Art. 3 (c)(1) FinSA. Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH will not perform any appropriateness or suitability assessment. Furthermore, Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH does not provide any services in the form of advice. Vanguard Investment Series plc has been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS. Prospective investors are referred to the Funds' prospectus for further information. Prospective investors are also urged to consult their own professional advisors on the implications of making an investment in, and holding or disposing shares of the Funds and the receipt of distributions with respect to such shares under the law of the countries in which they are liable to taxation.

The Manager of Vanguard Funds plc is Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited. Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH is a financial services provider, providing services in the form of purchase and sales according to Art. 3 (c)(1) FinSA . Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH will not perform any appropriateness or suitability assessment. Furthermore, Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH does not provide any services in the form of advice. Vanguard Funds Series plc has been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS. Prospective investors are referred to the Funds' prospectus for further information. Prospective investors are also urged to consult their own professional advisors on the implications of making an investment in, and holding or disposing shares of the Funds and the receipt of distributions with respect to such shares under the law of the countries in which they are liable to taxation.

Vanguard Investment Series plc has been approved for offer in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). The information provided herein does not constitute an offer of Vanguard Investment Series plc in Switzerland pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance. This is solely an advertisement pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance for Vanguard Investment Series plc. The Representative and the Paying Agent in Switzerland is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, 8002 Zurich. Copies of the Articles of Incorporation, KID, Prospectus, Declaration of Trust, By-Laws, Annual Report and Semiannual Report for these funds can be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative or from Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH via our website.

Vanguard Funds plc has been approved for offer in  Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. The information provided herein does not constitute an offer of Vanguard Funds plc in Switzerland pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance. This is solely an advertisement pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance for Vanguard Funds plc. The Representative and the Paying Agent in Switzerland is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, 8002 Zurich. Copies of the Articles of Incorporation, KID, Prospectus, Declaration of Trust, By-Laws, Annual Report and Semiannual Report for these funds can be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative or from Vanguard Investments Switzerland GmbH via our website.

The Manager of the Ireland domiciled funds may determine to terminate any arrangements made for marketing the shares in one or more jurisdictions in accordance with the UCITS Directive, as may be amended from time-to-time.

The Indicative Net Asset Value (“iNAV”) for Vanguard’s ETFs is published on Bloomberg or Reuters.  Refer to the Portfolio Holdings Policy.

For investors in Ireland domiciled funds, a summary of investor rights is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch and Italian.