The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.
Total Returns (net of fees)
Risk and Volatility
Sorry, this information is not available yet. It will display a year after inception date.
Please note Beta and R-squared data will only display for funds with 3 full years of history.
The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.
Portfolio data
As at
Number of bonds
Cash Investment
Market allocation
Temporarily unavailable
Distribution by credit quality (% of funds)
Distribution by credit issuer (% of funds)
Distribution by credit maturity (% of funds)
Holdings details
Prices and distribution
NAV Price ()
Market value ()
NAV 52-week high
Market value 52-week high
NAV 52-week low
Market value 52-week low
NAV 52-week difference
Market value 52-week difference
Outstanding shares
Historical Prices
Distribution history
Purchase information
The sum of investment management fees (the fees paid to the portfolio manager to invest your money and manage the fund) and administrative and other expenses (which cover all costs and expenses connected with the operation of the fund, which includes administrative fees, shareholder's registration and transfer agency fees, custody fees and all other operating expenses).
YTM (Yield to Maturity) effective is the rate of return an investor would receive if the fixed income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.
Medium coupon is the average interest rate paid on the fixed income securities held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.
Average maturity is the average length of time until fixed income securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid, taking into consideration the possibility that the issuer may call the bond before its maturity date.
Average quality is an indicator of credit risk. This figure is the average of the ratings assigned to a fund’s fixed income holdings by credit-rating agencies. Quality is a graded scale with Aaa or AAA indicating the most creditworthy bond issuers.
Average duration is an estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund will fluctuate in response to a change in interest rates.